Our claim
We at HEWI stand for these principles.
Company Our claim

As an automotive supplier of safety-relevant parts, HEWI offers fasteners and cold extruded parts that meet the highest customer-specific requirements and reliably guarantee your safety in the vehicle. In the context of the renewed certification from ISO/TS 16949 to IATF 16949, we also want to increase customer satisfaction through the continuous improvement process and the definition of measures to prevent errors and risks.

Energy efficiency

As part of our social responsibility, HEWI is committed to sustainable production. We use modern technologies to constantly optimize energy-related performance, whereby this is not only limited to economical and ecological manufacturing processes and products, but also to plant and building technology, such as compressed air and heat recovery. When making purchasing decisions, we ensure that special consideration is given to energy-efficient products and services. Our end customers benefit from the fact that we supply weight-optimized fasteners that reduce the overall weight of the vehicle and thus lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.
We use the energy management system introduced in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 as a tool, for which appropriate resources are made available. This energy policy enables us to significantly reduce our energy requirements and therefore our CO2 emissions, thereby achieving a high level of energy efficiency overall. By energy efficiency, we mean the reduction of basic energy requirements on the one hand and the reduction of energy requirements under load through technical optimization measures and personal actions on the other.
We see the promotion of energy-efficient action as a key management task. Compliance with legal requirements is just as important to us as monitoring operational targets and communicating them to interested parties. All employees are encouraged to initiate and support energy efficiency innovations. The energy policy also applies to contractors, external employees and external companies. The operational and strategic targets derived from this are monitored and optimized on an ongoing basis.

At HEWI, we strive every day for innovative solutions for the continuous improvement of management systems, products and processes and environmental performance for the careful use of our resources. Here we pay particular attention to
- the procurement and use of environmentally friendly materials and supplies,
- the reliability and long service life of our products,
- the recyclability of the product components,
- the optimized production methods and the reduction of rejects, as well as
- the avoidance, recycling or environmentally sound disposal of waste.
One example of our efforts is the Baden-Württemberg Environmental Technology Award, which we received in 2015 for our lightweight nuts in the “Material Efficiency” category. Compared to conventional standard nuts, up to 30 percent steel is used for the lightweight nuts. This enables us to save around 50 tons of steel in our daily production.
The new development of a tried-and-tested product also has a noticeable effect on CO2 emissions during processing. By converting the entire production process to lightweight nuts, CO2 emissions have been reduced by around 50,0000 tons per day.

Health and safety in the workplace

Our performance, i.e. the economic success of our company, depends to a large extent on the health of our employees. Our sustainability approach also starts here and is constantly being improved. SGA, i.e. health and safety at work, accident prevention and the safety of our systems, is therefore one of the fundamental objectives of our company. The health and safety management system in accordance with ISO 45001 is an important tool for us in achieving these goals. We are a certified company and prove our efficiency here every day. Our employees are encouraged to make suggestions to prevent accidents or damage and to improve health care and health protection. It goes without saying that all employees are obliged to comply with the statutory regulations and health and safety requirements and thus protect their own health and that of other employees.
We communicate this awareness to both our employees and our business partners and promote compliance with all relevant environmental regulations. Various prizes and awards, such as the Environmental Technology Award or the award for resource efficiency for our patented lightweight nut, are impressive proof of our responsible actions.
Would you like to know more about our company?
If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Anna Keilbach
Tel. +49 (0) 7424/704-118
Email: akeilbach@domain1.tld